Thomas Lothropp

Etton Yorkshire, England
East Riding, England

Ancestor of "The Rev. John Lothrop"
who came to America in 1634.

- Credits -
This Website is based on the research of Jess Lathrop
who was born at Darwin, Clark County, Illinois.

Jess Lathrop

Thomas Lothrop

.Thomas Lothrop (Robert3, John2, Robert1) was born Jun 19, 1536 in Etton Yorkshire, England, and died Oct 5, 1606 in East Riding, England. Jonathan Lathrop states that Rev, John Lathrp's mother has not been clearly established. Thomas is the son of Robert Lothrop and Ellen Aston.

Children of Thomas Lothrop are:

    1. ANNE LOTHROP, b. Jul 29, 1576, Yorkshire, England; d. Unknown.

    2. MARY LOTHROP, b. 1578; d. Unknown; m. JOHN GALLANT.

    3. THOMAS LOTHROP, b. Abt. 1583, Yorkshire, England; d. Oct 20, 1628; m. ELIZABETH.

    4. JOHN (REV) LOTHROP, b. Dec 20, 1584, East Riding, England; d. Nov 8, 1653, Barnstable, Massachusetts.

    5. WILLIAM LOTHROP, b. May 24, 1587, Yorkshire, England; d. Unknown.

Our Lathrop Lineage Website Pages
Artemus11, Issac10, Simon9, Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 , John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1

Ray Anderson
