"Munn" Wells (Daniel Anderson) was born
in Kaufman County, Texas May 23, 1879. Monroe died 24 JAN 1947 Riverside
County near Coachell, Cal, at 67 years of age. His body was interred
29 JAN 1947 Coachella Valley Cemetery. He was the son of Daniel
Anderson Wells and Sarah Jane Lathrop.
He married
(1) Edna Mae Wood Rogers Mills Co., OK.,
1 Oct 1899. . They married at Residence of G.A.
and Lula Wells. Edna died between 1907 and 1914 at Elk City
Oklahoma and is buried in the City Cemetery. Edna is believed born
in 1877.
4. Edna's Parents Tree
at Ancestry.com
Father: John
Shelton Wood and
Mother: Mary Alice Ann Rile
Location: Palo Pinot Co, TX.
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Family Trees)

Edna Mae Wood
Photo: Twinkle Reed
Thurmond Wells and wife Velma Teague
Photo: Thurmond Wells
Neoma Beatrice Wells
and husband Richard Luther Reed
Photo: Ray Anderson
Monroe Jackson Wells and Edna Mae Wood(
had the following children:
Beatrice Wells was born Pala Pinto
Co. Texas Oct. 21, 1900. Neoma died Elk City Oklahoma.
She married Richard Luther Reed Sayre/Doxey
Okla, 9-27-1915. Richard was born Elk City Oklahoma 11-9-1897.
Richard was the son of William Alonoz Reed and Essie Robinson.
Rayford Wells was born 22 DEC 1902. Thurmond
married (1)Ora Bell Teague, (2)
Velma Hope Robertson in St. Louis, Mo in 1941.
Thurmond worked the ship yards of Claifornia and as a
manager - foreman for a well company located mostly in
California. Thurmond had also dedicated his life to teach
the Word of God as a pastor and minister.
He attended a Church of God church and
helped with bible study and writing poetry after his retirement.
Thrumond had a total of twelve children. Thurmond died
30 AUG 2003 and is buried at Hawthrone Memorial Gardens,
Grants Pass, OR. He lived 100 years, 8 months, and 8 days.
Mae Wells was born 1906. Vera married
Otis Teague. Vera died unknown.
Jackson Wells married
(2) Ocie Lee Teague
about 1924 in Parks TWP,Stephens Co.OK. Ossie LeeTEAGUE
was born on 13 Feb 1908 in Hope TWP,Stephens Co.OK.. She died in Nov
1981 in Ft Worth,Tarrant Co.TX.. The cause of death was acute osteoprosis.
She was buried Nov 1981 in Plano Mutual Cem--Plano,Collin Co TX. Ocie
was the daughter of William and Mirinda Hattie Teague. (Source: Andrew
Butcher Jr.)
Monroe Jackson Wells and Ocie
Lee Teague
had the following children:
Lonnie Wells
born about 1925 in Oklahoma
Wanda Wells
born abut 1929.
Karen Annel
Wells was born on 26 Sep 1941 in Palo
Pinto Co,TX. She died on 11 Mar 1989 in Dallas,TX. She was buried
in Mar 1989 in Plano Mutual Cemetery,Collin Co.TX.. Karen was
born in Mineral Wells Medical Surgical Clinic. (Source: Andrew
Butcher Jr.)
In 1941 Monroe and Ocie Teague Wells
address was 1104 S.E. 2nd Street Mineral Wells, TX. (Source: Andrew
Butcher Jr.)