Alonzo Reed
was born January 11, 1878 in Shackelford, County, Texas, and died
October 10, 1957 in Beckham County, Ok. He married
Essie Belle Robertson Abt. 1895 in Beckham County, Ok,
daughter of William L. Robertson
(1854-1934) and Viola J. Carnes
(1854 - 03/11/1922). Essie is recorded as born April 10, 1879, and
died November 05, 1962 in Beckham County, Ok. and was buried there.
Chicking the 1880 census makes me believe she was born after 1880
census in Eastland County, Texas.
Alonzo Reed: was the son of Richard
Reuben Reed and Rebecca Alice McCathern
about Essie's Parents William L. Robertson and Viola J Carnes::
Viola Died in Hidalgo County, New Mexico March 11, 1922. Death
Certificate said she was 66 years 7 months 8 days of age at
death. Death Certificate said she was married to J.H. Robertson.
J.H is not correct. The certificate calms she was born in Tennessee
as both her parents. It lists her father
as J.D. Carnes, mother "Don't
Know". No informant was listed, which would
explain the inaccurate husband name. My guess is J.H. Robertson
is a member of the family, possibly a son. Viola and husband
William L. Robertson are both buried in Mountain View Cemetery,
Lordsburg NM. I have not located William L. Robertson's
death certificate. He may have did in Arizona since some research
had a passing mention of Arizona and Arizona is only a few miles
from Lordsburg. . Research points to William and Viola living
in Eastland County Texas in 1880, which meets Shackelford County
in their corners. I think Esie was born after 1880 since she
is not listed in the census with her parents. |
William Alonzo "Will" Reed Right:
Essie B. Robertson
Photos: Richard Luther Reed Family |
Lonzo, Cleve. Front: Essie (couisn), Lillie and
Baby Cleve.
Photo: Kimberly Beauchamp
and Claude Cannons children and Richard Luther Reeds children
with Grandparents Will and Essie Reed
Left to Right: Richard M. Reed, Lillie Mae Reed, Hattie Bell
Cannon, Jewell Marie Reed, Lucile Reed, GrandPa Will Reed, Flodell
Cannon, GrandMa Essie Reed, Mazell Cannon.
Photo: Twinkle Bell Reed
Alonzo "Will" Reed
Photo: Twinkle Bell
L. "Will" Robertson, Essie's Father
Buried in
the Mountain View Cemetery at Lordsburg, New Mexico, in Hidalgo
County with his wife, Viola. Head Stone reads "1854
- 1934 Father". Cemetery Records show he was buried January
5th 1935.
Photo: Twinkle Bell Reed
of William Reed and Essie Robertson are:
Lily Reed.
She married Claude Cannon.
Virgil Reed, born May 07, 1904 in Beckham County, Ok; died
December 27, 1983 in Beckham County, Ok. He married Sarah E.
August 07, 1972 in Beckham County, Ok (Date is on Headstone);
born October 02, 1907 in Beckham County, Ok; died May 15, 1975 in
Beckham County, Ok.

Virgil Reed
Photo: Twinkle Bell Reed
Cleave Newton Reed, born June 15, 1909 in Beckham County,
Ok (dates on headstone); died January 19, 1978 in Beckham County,
Louis T. Reed, born 1913 in Beckham County, Ok; died 1984
in Beckham County, Ok.
Dan Edward Reed, born September 01, 1915 in Beckham County,
Ok; died January 11, 1984 in Beckham County, Ok. He married Lucille
Elizabeth Pruitt.
More About Dan Edward Reed: Burial: Fairlawn Cemetery of Elk City
Richard Luther Reed,
born November 09, 1897 in Beckham County, Ok; died October 28, 1986
in Elk City Okla.

Richard Luther Reed
Photo: Twinkle Bell Reed
> Richard Reuben Reed Page