The Rev. John Lathrop Sarah’s father Artemus was a direct descendant to the famous American religious pioneer Rev. John Lathrop who came to America in 1634 after being imprisoned for heresy in England for two years. The Lathrop family is one of the oldest colonial families in America. There are few men that came to America in the 1600s who contributed so many seeds to the religious, political, and business development of America. Among Rev. John’s descendants are four American presidents, Governors, United States Senator, Congressmen, a Secretary of State of the United States, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, founder of the Mormon Church, directors of the CIA, Prime Minister of Canada, Financier, renown Poet, Artist, Philanthropist, Actress, and last but not least a Revolutionary War hero court-martialed for treason. The following biography of The Rev. John Lathrop is taken in large part from the book Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country written by Rev. E.B. Huntington and published by Mrs. Julia M. Huntington in 1884. Rev. John Lathrop son of Thomas Lathrop and Mary _?_ was baptized in Etton, Yorkshire, England, December 20, 1584. [7] He remained in the East Riding area of Yorkshire, England until he left for higher education. He was educated at Queen’s College, Cambridge, where he was “matriculated” in 1601, graduated B.A. in 1605, M.A. in 1609. [8] His first and only charge of the Church of England was a parish in the County of Kent about 1614. [9] At that time King Charles I was in a conflict with Parliament. Puritans Presbyterians and Independents, all dissenters from the Church of England supported Parliament. This conflict led up to the English Civil War and King Charles I was beheaded in 1649 by forces led by Lord Cromwell.” [10] Rev. John Lathrop eventually ministered to a group of dissenters. A group of nonconformists started meeting in London in 1616, led by Rev. Henry Jacob. Rev. John Lathrop left the Church of England in 1623 and soon succeeded Rev. Henry Jacob who was the independent minister and pastor of The First Independent Church in London, England. [11] Those he ministered to had no place of public worship and had to meet in secret since their worship itself was illegal. In April 1632 during a meeting for the faithful, their worship was invaded and forty-two of those in attendance were seized. Rev. Lathrop and the members were imprisoned in the old Clink prison in Newgate. In spring of 1634 all were released except for the Rev. Lathrop. [12] While in prison, his wife, Hannah Howse, became sick and died. He was granted the right to visit his wife and commend her to God before her death. Upon his return to prison his children made known to the bishop at Lambeth of their poor miserable condition with their mother’s death and father’s imprisonment. The bishop arranged the release of Rev John Lathrop and he was then banished to America. [13] As a result of the political conflict Rev. Lathrop and his followers are considered to be martyrs for “Independency” and freedom from religious prosecution. They suffered loss of property, imprisonment in “loftily jails” while being separated from their families. [14] They were people willing to pay the price for freedom to serve God as to their consciences. On September 18, 1634 Gov. Winthrop’s Journal, in Boston Massachusetts, reads, “The Griffin and another ship now arriving with about 200 passengers. Mr. Lathrop and Mr. Sims, two godly ministers coming in the same ship.” The Rev. John Lathrop arrived in Boston with a portion of his London flock and found preparations had already begun to welcome him to a new home in Scituate. [15] “A small log cabin on Meeting House Lane served as the first church. The site is marked today by a monument that lists the early members of the parish, ‘The Men of Kent,’ and by gravestones from the 17th century." [16] He soon married his second wife Anna _?_. [17] Rev. John’s time at Scituate did not always go well. He and some of the church members had a difference in opinion over the question of baptism and in 1639 he was removed. The Rev. John and a large number from Scituate arrived in Barnstable, Massachusetts on Cape Cod October 11, 1639 bringing with them crops they had raised at Scituate. [18] They did not forget that the main reason for their pilgrimage from the motherland was for the service and glory of God [19] . The Rev. John was the first minister of Barnstable. Sign in front of the Sturgis Library is pictured [20] At Barnstable, Rev. John’s family lived in a small house he had built on four acres which was too small and too uncomfortable for his family. The small house stood where the “Eldriges’s hotel stands today” according to writings of Rev. E. B. Huntington in 1884 [21] . His second home was a much more substantial building and he moved into the new home in 1644. [22] This home today is the oldest part of the Sturgis Library in Barnstable. Rev. John’s bible is now on public display in the Lothrop Room of the Sturgis Library. Sturgis Library is pictured [23] .
An Incomplete List of Rev. John Lathrop’s Descendants
[31] * Samuel LATHROP 1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the US 2. Benedict Arnold, US Revolutionary War figure 3. Thomas E. Dewey, Gov. of NY, twice candidate for President of the US 4. Adlai E. Stevenson, US Senator from IL, twice candidate for President * Israel LATHROP 5. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State of the US 6. Alan W. Dulles, director of the CIA of the US 7. Marion Meriwether Post, founder of General Foods 8. Dina Merrill, actress * Joseph LATHROP 9. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Justice of the Supreme Court of the US 10.Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the US 11.Parley Parker Pratt, Mormon Pioneer 12.George Romney, Gov. of MI, President of American Motors * John LATHROP 13.Harold Bingham Lee, 11th President of the Church of JC of LDS. * Elizabeth LATHROP ROYCE 14.Willard Woodruff, 4th President of the C of JC of LDS * Jane LATHROP FULLER: 15. John FULLER 16.Alfred C. Fuller, founder of the Fuller Brush Co. 17.Joseph Smith, founder C of JC of LDS 18.David Daniel Marriott, Congressman from UT * Thomas LATHROP 19.Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin 20.George H. W. Bush, Diplomat, Congressman from TX (41st President of the US) 21. George W. Bush, (43rd President of US (Added by essay author)) 22. Benjamin M. Spock, Physician and writer 23.Sir Robert Laird Borden, Prime Minister of Canada 24.John P. Morgan, Financier * John LATHROP: 25.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet * Barnabas LATHROP: 26.Lewis C. Tiffany, artist, philanthropist 27.Sylvia Brett, Rani of Sarawak Descendants of Robert LothropThis family lineage is based on the work of Jess Lathrop who now lives in Tennessee. Jess was born in Darwin, Clark County, Illinois. Jess is a descendent of our ancestor Artemus Lathrop through Artemus’s son Jesse L. Latherop. Thanks to Jess’s many years of research we have the Lathrop Lineage back to Robert Lathrop born in 1450. Jess is kind enough to share his research with our family. Generation No. 1 1. Robert1 Lothrop1 was born 14501, and died Unknown1.
Child of Robert Lothrop is: + 2 i. John2 Lothrop, born Abt. 1480 in Yorkshire ENG.; died Unknown. Generation No. 2 2. John2 Lothrop (Robert1)1 was born Abt. 1480 in Yorkshire ENG.1, and died Unknown1. He married Margaret Wade1 15451, daughter of John Wade and Margaret. She was born 1490 in Yorkshire ENG.1, and died Unknown1.
Child of John Lothrop and Margaret Wade is: + 3 i. Robert3 Lothrop, born Abt. 1513 in Cherry Burton, ENG; died Abt. 1558 in Sheriburton,ENG. Generation No. 3 3. Robert3 Lothrop (John2, Robert1)1 was born Abt. 1513 in Cherry Burton, ENG1, and died Abt. 1558 in Sheriburton,ENG1. He married Ellen Aston1. She was born Abt. 1518 in Yorkshire,ENG1, and died Abt. 1572 in Yorkshire,ENG1.
Children of Robert Lothrop and Ellen Aston are: + 4 i. Thomas4 Lothrop, born June 19, 1536 in Etton Yorkshire,ENG; died October 05, 1606 in East Riding, ENG. 5 ii. Lawrence Lothrop1, born Abt. 1538 in Yorkshire,ENG1; died June 08, 16021. He married Elizabeth Howell1 June 12, 15681. 6 iii. John Lothrop1, born Abt. 15421; died Unknown1. 7 iv. Robert Lothrop1, born Abt. 15431; died Unknown1. He married Isabelle1. 8 v. Margaret Lothrop1, born Abt. 1544 in Yorkshire,ENG1; died Unknown1. She married Robert Hodgeson1. Generation No. 4 4. Thomas4 Lothrop (Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born June 19, 1536 in Etton Yorkshire,ENG1, and died October 05, 1606 in East Riding, ENG1. Thomas’s wife may have been Mary Howell.
Children of Thomas Lothrop are: 9 i. Anne5 Lothrop1, born July 29, 1576 in Yorkshire,ENG1; died Unknown1. 10 ii. Mary Lothrop1, born 15781; died Unknown1. She married John Gallant1. 11 iii. Thomas Lothrop1, born Abt. 1583 in Yorkshire,ENG1; died October 20, 16281. He married Elizabeth1. + 12 iv. John (REV) Lothrop, born December 20, 1584 in East Riding,ENG; died November 08, 1653 in Barnstable,MA. 13 v. William Lothrop1, born May 24, 1587 in Yorkshire,ENG1; died Unknown1. Generation No. 5 12. John (REV)5 Lothrop (Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born December 20, 1584 in East Riding,ENG1, and died November 08, 1653 in Barnstable,MA1. He married (1) Hannah Howse1 October 10, 1610 in Kent,ENG1. She was born 1590 in Kent,ENG1, and died February 16, 1632/33 in London,ENG1. He married (2) unknown possibly Anna _?_. Some believe she was Anna Hammond but Hammond has not been proofed as to date.
Children of John Lothrop and Hannah Howse are: 14 i. Thomas6 Lothrop1, born February 21, 1611/121; died Abt. 17071. He married Sarah Larned1 December 11, 16581. 15 ii. Jane Lothrop1, born September 29, 1614 in Kent,ENG1; died Abt. 1658 in Barnstable,MA1. She married Samuel Fuller1 April 08, 16351. 16 iii. Ann Lothrop1, born May 12, 1616 in Kent Eng.1; died April 30, 1617 in Kent Eng.1. 17 iv. John Lothrop1, born February 22, 1616/17 in Kent,ENG1. 18 v. Barbara Lothrop1, born October 31, 16191. She married John Emerson1 July 19, 16381. 19 vi. Samuel Lothrop1, born Abt. 1623 in London,ENG1; died February 28, 1699/001. He married Elizabeth Scudder1 November 28, 16441. + 20 vii. Joseph Lothrop, born Abt. 1624 in London,ENG; died Unknown in MA. 21 viii. Benjamin Lothrop1, born 1626 in London ENG.1; died in Charleston,MA1. He married Martha1 16831.
Children of John Lothrop and unknown/ possibly Anna _?_ are: 22 i. Barnabis6 Lothrop1, born Abt. 1636 in Seituata,MA1; died Abt. 1715 in Barnstable,MA1. He married Susanna Clark1. 23 ii. Abigail Lothrop1, born Abt. 1639 in Barnstable,MA1; died Unknown1. She married James Clark1 October 07, 16571. Generation No. 6 20. Joseph6 Lothrop (John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born Abt. 1624 in London,ENG1, and died Unknown in MA1. He married Mary Ansel1 December 11, 1650 in Barnstable,MA1.
Children of Joseph Lothrop and Mary Ansel are: 24 i. Joseph7 Lathrop1, born December 05, 16521; died October 16761. 25 ii. Mary Lathrop1, born March 22, 1653/541; died Unknown1. She married Edward Crowell1 January 16, 1673/741. 26 iii. Benjamin Lathrop1, born July 25, 16571; died Unknown1. 27 iv. Elizabeth Lathrop1, born September 18, 16591; died Unknown1. She married Thomas Fuller1 December 29, 16801. 28 v. John Lathrop1, born November 28, 16611; died December 16631. 29 vi. Samuel Lathrop1, born March 17, 1663/641; died Unknown1. He married Hannah Crocker1 July 01, 16891. 30 vii. John Lathrop1, born August 07, 16661; died Unknown1. 31 viii. Barnabus Lathrop1, born February 24, 1668/691; died Unknown1. + 32 ix. Hope Lathrop, born July 15, 1671; died October 29, 1736. 33 x. Thomas Lathrop1, born January 06, 1672/731; died July 03, 17571. He married Experience Huckings1 April 23, 16971. Generation No. 7 32. Hope7 Lathrop (Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born July 15, 16711, and died October 29, 17361. He married Elizabeth Lathrop1 1696 in Barnstable,MA1, daughter of Meletiah Lathrop and Sarah Farrar. She was born November 15, 1677 in Barnstable,MA1, and died February 21, 17631.
Children of Hope Lathrop and Elizabeth Lathrop are: 34 i. Benjamin8 Lathrop1, born October 18, 1697 in Barnstable,MA1; died June 16, 17581. He married Mercy Baker1 May 26, 17201. 35 ii. John Lathrop1, born October 03, 1699 in Barnstable,MA1; died Unknown1. 36 iii. Rebecca Lathrop1, born November 25, 1701 in Barnstable,MA1; died Unknown1. 37 iv. Sarah Lathrop1, born December 31, 17031; died 17341. 38 v. Ebenezer Lathrop1, born May 01, 17061; died September 17521. 39 vi. Ichabod Lathrop1, born June 20, 17081; died October 1752 in \1. He married Abigail Baker1 November 09, 17321. 40 vii. Solomon Lathrop1, born September 10, 17101; died March 05, 1737/381. He married Susannah1. 41 viii. Elizabeth Lathrop1, born January 20, 1711/121; died Unknown1. She married Peletiah West1. + 42 ix. Meletiah Lathrop, born February 20, 1713/14 in Barnstable,MA; died September 05, 1787 in Columbia,NY. 43 x. Mary Lathrop1, born June 29, 17161; died Unknown1. She married Walter Henderson1 June 23, 17401. 44 xi. Joseph Lathrop1, born September 12, 17201; died May 17881. He married Prudence West1 June 17441. Generation No. 8 42. Meletiah8 Lathrop (Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born February 20, 1713/14 in Barnstable,MA1, and died September 05, 1787 in Columbia,NY1. He married Mercy Hatch1 November 15, 1738 in Tolland,CT1, daughter of Joseph Hatch. She was born August 23, 1717 in Tolland,CT1, and died October 16, 1788 in Columbia,Co.,NY1. More About Meletiah Lathrop: Comment 2: Member committe of Safty of Kings Dist17781 Comment 3: Private in Albany Co. Regulars1
Children of Meletiah Lathrop and Mercy Hatch are: 45 i. Deborah9 Lathrop1, born August 11, 17391; died June 13, 17701. She married Nathaniel Gray1. 46 ii. Jeddiah Lathrop1, born February 19, 1741/421; died March 13, 17701. + 47 iii. Simon Lathrop, born January 1743/44 in Tolland,Co.CT; died December 27, 1820 in Ontario,Co.NY. 48 iv. Eunice Lathrop1, born November 14, 17451; died January 25, 18021. 49 v. Walter Lathrop1, born January 24, 1746/471; died January 25, 18231. 50 vi. Mary Lathrop1, born September 13, 17481; died March 17, 17801. 51 vii. Melatiah Lathrop1, born December 12, 17491; died June 17, 18261. 52 viii. Josiah Lathrop1, born August 29, 1757 in Amania,NY1; died March 07, 18541. He married Rachel Perry1 17931; born 17621; died 18201. 53 ix. Lucy Lathrop1, born September 09, 18401; died June 18, 18051. Generation No. 9 47. Simon9 Lathrop (Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born January 1743/44 in Tolland,Co.CT1, and died December 27, 1820 in Ontario,Co.NY1. He married Hannah Davis1. She was born February 24, 1746/471, and died August 27, 18231.
Children of Simon Lathrop and Hannah Davis are: + 54 i. Issac10 Lathrop, born April 1766 in New Canaan,NY; died 1853 in Clark Co.,IL. 55 ii. Solomon Lathrop1, born 17681; died Unknown1. He married Clarissa Dunwell1. 56 iii. Deborah Lathrop1, born 17701; died 18171. She married Daniel Mason1. 57 iv. Phebe Lathrop1, born 17731; died Unknown1. She married Reubin Davis1. 58 v. Philander Lathrop1, born September 17751; died November 20, 18421. He married Elizabeth Mason1 17981. 59 vi. Armon Lathrop1, born 17771; died Unknown1. He married Thirza Johnson1. 60 vii. Irene Lathrop1, born 17821; died 18281. She married William Frost1 18141. 61 viii. Martin Lathrop1, born 17801; died 18241. He married Rebecca Wright1 18141. 62 ix. Lorrain Lathrop1, born May 25, 17861; died 18541. She married Isaac Fitch1. 63 x. Colby Lathrop1, born 17891; died Unknown1. He married Edith Perry1 18111. Generation No. 10 54. Issac10 Lathrop (Simon9, Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born April 1766 in New Canaan,NY1, and died 1853 in Clark Co.,IL1. He married Lois Sawyer1. More About Issac Lathrop: Comment 2: Listed on vets. honor roll at Marshall,IL1 Comment 3: listed in Rev. War Vets1
Children of Issac Lathrop and Lois Sawyer are: 64 i. Augustus11 Lathrop1. He married Lucia Hillis1 18251. 65 ii. Silas Lathrop1. 66 iii. Philemells Lathrop1, born 17911; died 18041. 67 iv. Joel Lathrop1, born October 16, 18011; died Unknown1. + 68 v. Artemus Lathrop, born May 22, 1804 in Ontario,Co. NY; died December 03, 1888 in Baxter Springs,KA. 69 vi. Isaac Lathrop1, born May 11, 18061; died Unknown1. He married Mary Cobb1 18331. 70 vii. Ichabod Lathrop1, born December 25, 18091; died Unknown1. 71 viii. Lois Lathrop1, born October 10, 18111; died Unknown1. 72 ix. Sally Lathrop1, born August 13, 18141; died Unknown1. 73 x. Lyman G Lathrop1, born February 15, 18211; died July 26, 18871. He married Susannah Wilson1 February 15, 18211. Generation No. 11 68. Artemus11 Lathrop (Issac10, Simon9, Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born May 22, 1804 in Ontario,Co. NY1, and died December 03, 1888 in Baxter Springs,KA1. He married (1) Elizabeth Woodall1. He married (2) Sarah Blackburn1. He married (3) Harriett Osborne1. He married (4) Polly Sharp1 October 01, 1826 in Darwin,IL1. He married (5) Martha Lawson1 May 07, 1846 in Clark Co. IL1. She was born 1820 in Indiana1, and died Unknown1. More About Artemus: 1. Atemus was a Veteran of Black Hawk Indian War and served in 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade of W Company Archer as a private.
Children of Artemus Lathrop and Polly Sharp are: 74 i. Cyrus12 Lathrop1, born August 18261; died September 11, 18621. He married Cindrey Wood1 January 02, 18491. 75 ii. Oliver Lathrop1, born July 22, 18311; died November 14, 1895 in Baxter Springd,KA1. He married Sarah Little1 July 20, 18551. + 76 iii. Sarah Jane Lathrop, born September 03, 1833 in Clark County, Illinois; died October 26, 1927 in Parks/Alma, Stephens, Oklahoma. 77 iv. Alfred Lathrop1, born August 09, 18351; died October 28, 18771. He married Mary J McClure1 February 19, 18591. 78 v. Martin Lathrop1, born 18371; died Unknown1. He married Mary J Sentney1 August 03, 18561. 79 vi. Jane Lathrop1, born 18401; died Unknown1. I believe that Jane is Sara Jane above. Sarah never used her name Sarah. In Texas she went by “Lina”. She also seems to be the only one that came to Texas of the family.
Children of Artemus Lathrop and Martha Lawson are: 80 i. Martha12 Lathrop1. 81 ii. Mary Lathrop1, born 18451; died Unknown1. + 82 iii. Jesse Lathrop, born February 1847 in Clark,Co.,IL; died November 25, 1925 in Indianapolis, IN (Auto accident). 83 iv. Isaac Lathrop1, born 18491; died Unknown1. 84 v. James Lathrop1, born 18541; died Unknown1. 85 vi. John Lathrop1, born 18581; died Unknown1. Generation No. 12 76. Sarah Jane12 Lathrop (Artemus11, Issac10, Simon9, Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1) was born September 03, 1833 in Clark County, Illinois, and died October 26, 1927 in Parks/Alma, Stephens, Oklahoma. She married Daniel Anderson Wells September 08, 1855 in Grayson County, Texas, son of Anderson Wells and Deborah Jennings. He was born 1836 in Indiana, and died November 11, 1880 in Van Zant Co., Texas. Sarah is the daughter of Artemus Lathrop and Polly Sharp. Notes for Sarah Jane Lathrop: Died at the home of her granddaughter Mrs. Otis Teague at Parks/Alma, Stephens, Oklahoma. Mrs Otis Wells is Vera Mae Wells. Sarah Jane was called “Lina". 1. Obituary - Duncan, Oklahoma. 2. Texas CSA Confederate Soldiers Widows Application - wife of Daniel Anderson Wells. Notes for Daniel Anderson Wells: Daniel Anderson Wells enlisted in Fairfield,Texas, Freestone County on May 7,18 62 for three years or the duration of the war (Civil). He was a private in Co. I Young's Regt. (8) Tex. Inf. In December 1862, he was absent from his company, sick at Little Rock, Arkansas. His wife,S.J. or L.J. received a Civil War Pen sion while living in Palo Pinto, Texas.
Children of Sarah Lathrop and Daniel Wells are: 86
i. Amos T. Wells
was born in Grayson County, Texas NOV 07,1869. Amos died OCT 11,1870 in
Grayson County, Texas 87 ii.Sara Jane13 Wells, born Aft. 1855 in Grayson Co., Texas; died Aft. 1900 in Roger Mills Co., OK. She married William Thomas Peace Bef. 1876 in believed Kaufman Co., Tx.; born July 30, 1852 in Benton Co., AL; died Aft. 1900 in Roger Mills Co., OK. Notes for Sara Jane Wells: Lived and died either in or near Muskiogie(sp) OK. Source: nephew T. R. Wells, age 98 in 2001, son of Sara's brother Monroe. 87 iii. William Oliver Wells,
born 1860 in Grayson County, Texas. Died before his mother. 88 iv. Arthur S. Wells, born 1862 in Grayson County, Texas. was born in Grayson County, Texas 1862. Monroe's son T.R. Wells 98 years of age in 2001 verified that Monroe had a brother named Arthur. Authur was living in Wichita Falls Texas in 1927. Author had several children, a son named Author Wells Jr. and a son Lee Wells who married Ethel Reed in Elk City Oklahoma.. Notes for Arthur S. Wells: Monroe's son T.R. Wells 98 years of age in 2001 verified that Monroe had a brother named Arthur. Lived and died in the town of Minerial Wells, Texas. 89 v. Charley “Artemus” Wells, born 1864; died in Mineral Wells, Texasson of Daniel Anderson Wells and Sarah Jane "Lina" Lathrop was born 1864. Charley died Mineral Wells, Texas. He married Emma Ozella Campbell. Monroe's son T.R. Wells age 98 in 2001 verified Monroe had a brother named Charley. Lived and died outside of Mineral Wells, Texas. Notes for Charley Artemus Wells: Monroe's son T.R. Wells age 98 in 2001 verified Monroe had a brother named Charley. Lived and died outside of Mineral Wells, Texas. 91 vi. Julia A. Wells, was born in Grayson County, Texas 1867. Must have died before her mother in 1927. Unknown who Julia married. 93 vii. Edmond Wells, was born in Grayson County, Texas 1871. Monroe's son T.R. Wells 98 years old in 2001 confirmed that Monroe had a brother named Ed. Ed was living in Wichita Falls Texas in 1927. Notes for Edmond Wells: Monroe's son T.R. Wells 98 years old in 2001 confirmed that Monroe had a brother named Ed. 94 viii. George Anderson Wells, (Pictured Above) born September 30, 1874 in Sherman, TX; died January 25, 1949 in Muskogee, OK. He married Lillie A. Estell September 11, 1896 in Bowie Co, TX. Notes for George A. Wells: Lived and died either in Muskiogie(sp) OK. He was a Chrish of Christ Preacher. Source: 1. Shirley Wells Cassada, M.D. 2. George'snephew Thurmond Rayburn Wells, age 98 in 2001, son of Georges brother Monroe. 95 ix.
Claude D. Wells, (Pictured Above) born September 03, 1878 in Palo
Pinto County. He married (1) Lila (or Delila) Hatley. He married (2)
Merril. 96 x. Monroe Jackson "Munn" Wells, born May 23, 1879 in Kaufman County, Texas; died January 24, 1947 in Riverside County near Coachelle, CA. He married (1) Edna Mae/B. Wood(s) October 01, 1899; died 1907 in Elk City, Oklahoma. He married (2) Ocie Teague Aft. 1909; born in Oklahoma; died in California. Monroe and Edna Wood(s) had three children, Thurmond, Vera Mar, and Neoma Beatrice, all pictured above. Notes for Monroe Jackson Wells: Married at Residence of G.A. and Lula Wells. More About Monroe Jackson Wells: Burial: January 29, 1947, Coachella Valley Cemetery Notes for Edna Mae/B. Wood(s): Edna's son, Thurmond Rayburn Wells, documents her as Edna B. Woods. Burial: believed buried Elk City, Oklahoma.
82. Jesse12 Lathrop (Artemus11, Issac10, Simon9, Meletiah8, Hope7, Joseph6 Lothrop, John (REV)5, Thomas4, Robert3, John2, Robert1)1 was born February 1847 in Clark,Co.,IL1, and died November 25, 1925 in Indianapolis, IN (Auto accident)1. He married Sophia Beach1 December 31, 1866 in Douglas IL1, daughter of Samuel Beach and Sarah Roller. She was born January 27, 1847 in Ohio1, and died January 30, 1918 in Darwin, IL1. More About Jesse Lathrop: Burial: buried beside wife in Darwin Cem.1 Cause of Death: Auto accident1 Comment 2: Union Army 15/Oct/1863 - 10/Jan/18661 Occupation: Farmer1 More About Sophia Beach: Burial: Darwin Cem.1
Children of Jesse Lathrop and Sophia Beach are: 97 i. Cora E13 Lathrop1, born 1869 in Clark Co.,IL1; died Unknown1. She married Francis Hadddix1 April 23, 18881. 98 ii. Amanda Lathrop1, born 1875 in Clark Co.,IL1; died Unknown1. She married Charles McGrew1 June 19, 18921. 99 iii. Pearl L Lathrop1, born January 20, 1878 in Darwin,IL1; died Unknown1. He married Malette Hillebert1 May 25, 18971. 100 iv. Jesse L Lathrop1, born August 28, 1882 in Snyder,IL1; died January 17, 1961 in Terre Haute,IN1. He married Anna Bruner1 August 14, 1901 in Darwin,IL1; born March 01, 1883 in Wabash,IL Clark Co1; died December 23, 1946 in Darwin,IL1. More About Jesse L Lathrop: Burial: Darwin Cem.1 Occupation: Mechanic (steam)1 More About Anna Bruner: Burial: Darwin Cem.1 Cause of Death: Stroke1 Comment 3: Midwife for lots people1 Ethnicity/Relig.: Methodist Episcopal1 101 v. Elise E Lathrop1, born July 18, 18921; died 19691. She married (1) Clarence Tingley1. She married (2) Charles Allen Ogle1. [1] Thurmond Rayford Wells. [2] Photo: Thurmond Rayford Wells. All photos are © of owners and used with permission. [3] Texas Confederate States Army, widows pension application applied for by Mrs. S. J. Wells. [4] Genealogy Research done by Jess Lathrop, born in Clark County, Illinois. [5] Texas Confederate States Army, widows pension application applied for by Mrs. S. J. Wells. [6] Photo: Jess Lathrop All photos are © of owners and used with permission [7] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (23). [8] Ibid [9] Ibid [10] Jonathan Lathrop Lathrop Genealogy, Available:, December 15, 2002 (1). [11] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (24). [12] Ibid [13] Ibid (25) [14] Ibid (33) [15] Ibid (25) [16] Staff of the First Parish Church The History of First Parish Church, Available:, December 15, 2002 (1) [17] Lathrop, Jess, Genealogy Research, FTW File, December 15, 2002, John (Rev) Lathrop. [18] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (31). [19] Ibid. [20] Photo: Jonathan Lathrop All photos are © of owners and used with permission [21] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (32). [22] Ibid [23] Photo: Jonathan Lathrop All photos are © of owners and used with permission [24] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (32). [25] Ibid [26] Ibid [27] Photo: Jonathan Lathrop All photos are © of owners and used with permission [28] Huntington, Rev E.B., A.M., Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Ridgefield, Conn., Mrs. Julia M. Huntington, 1884, (32). [29] Ibid (34) [30] Photo: Jonathan Lathrop All photos are © of owners and used with permission [31] John Lothropp (1584-1653): a puritan biography & genealogy" by Richard Woodruff Price, Salt Lake City, Utah: R.W. Price & Associates, 1984. p 39. The list is adapted from a chart which is printed oversized and folded in to the back of the book." |